Systems change for a circular economy.

Plastic waste leaking into oceans will triple by 2040.
If all current government and industry commitments are met, this will reduce by just 7%. What's missing?


A global emergency.

The problem is too massive to wait for a magic solution.

We need a better system.

Each of us have multiple roles to play. Governments, packaged goods companies, consumers, and innovators need to come together for investment across the plastic value chain.

Spotlighting the most impactful interventions.

the weight db icon

Design for multi-use

By some estimates, the majority of plastic in our oceans were used for just 15 minutes before being discarded. We need to focus on reducing use and throw consumption.

impact creation

Design for recyclability

Some types of plastic like PET, metal, cardboard, glass, and biodegradable alternatives are much better suited for an environmentally sustainable end of life.

Global - reduce waste exports

Reduce waste exports

Over the last few decades, millions of tonnes of plastic waste has been shipped to countries in the Global South who lack the regulations and the infrastructure for ethical processing.

social impact

Prevent nature leakage

In order to create genuinely holistic long-term solutions, we need collection systems to capture plastic before it leaks into nature. This is the biggest gap in the plastic value chain.

Meet sustainability goals on plastic use

Scale up infrastructure

Less than 9% of plastic waste is recycled even though the solutions exist because we lack critical infrastructure and adequate investment in end of life innovation.

Understand and comply with policies on plastic use and plastic waste

Regulatory pressure

Governments need to enforce more stringent packaging reduction and recovery requirements, while also creating systems to help nations being inequitably affected.

Breaking the Plastic Wave reportScience-based targets

Trust in science.

With extensive research into the topic by academics and think tanks, the results are clear - we need to take urgent action across a broad spectrum of plastic reduction, substitution, recovery, and recycling initiatives to truly reach a circular economy.

Together, we can solve the plastic crisis.

Fighting for inclusive and effective global plastic waste policies.

rePurpose Global and The Ocean Cleanup established the Innovation Alliance for a Global Plastics Treaty (IAGPT).

Innovation-led systems-change lies at the heart of tackling the plastic pollution crisis. Despite this there is a traditional lack of representation from solutionists in policymaking.

IAGPT was set up to overcome this, and the alliance includes more than 60 leading global solution providers, actively working across the entire plastic pollution lifecycle.

Ahead of the UN Global Plastic Treaty in 2024, our goal is to unite 1,000 innovators, and serve as a bridge between innovation and plastics policymaking worldwide. To join us, or for more information, see
UN Global Plastic Treaty negotiations
rePurpose Global coalition of brands and individuals against plastic waste

Join the movement.

Be part of the individuals, organizations and experts in our coalition against plastic pollution.

Learn how you can help to solve
the global plastic waste crisis, today!

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