The future of sustainable beauty.

Try it, free

Be a sustainability pioneer in the beauty industry.

Bluebird by rePurpose Global gives your brand tools to stay ahead of the curve amidst changing regulatory, retailer, and customer demands.

Analyze recyclability of your packaging

Evaluate your packaging recyclability at lightning speed and communicate interactive recycling instructions with the click of a button.

Develop rapid Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and climate friendly strategies

Bluebird generates accurate, super-fast, and low-cost Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) that support compliance and sustainability decisions.

The Bluebird advantage

Communicate your products' climate

Communicate your products' sustainability creds by using our easy-to-deploy widgets. Demonstrate your commitment to progress, and engage customers with independently calculated climate data.

Stay on top of evolving regulation and  retailer standards

Generate data for retailer partners, without massive downloads or technical expertise. Track constantly changing policy requirements, and get the information you need in minutes rather than weeks.

Unlock sustainability insights during product development

Test different packaging options with our virtual tool, and showcase your sustainable solution on the shelf.
Give your storytelling wings, and drive customer engagement
and retention.
Get started on your sustainability journey with Bluebird by rePurpose Global
Try it, free

"This is a no brainer. Brands no longer have to deal with the complexity of managing recycling instructions across their portfolios. It's all up to date, taken care of, and way more visually engaging with Bluebird."

—Carly Snider, Program Director, Pact Collective

Case study : Experiment Beauty

Sustainable beauty brand Experiment Beauty used Bluebird to compare packaging options before launching. The results?
  • 90% decrease in time to find & evaluate packaging options
  • 8% decrease in climate impact with no cost increase
  • Data to own the sustainability narrative at launch
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