Who We Are

A dedicated team of experts from diverse fields, committed to addressing the 3+1 planetary crisis.

Our Philosophy

In a world racing against the clock of accelerating environmental degradation and social inequity, rePurpose Outcomes Lab leads with urgency and pragmatism.

We recognize that there is no time to waste in confronting the most consequential issues facing humanity today.

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that systems change requires radical collaboration and swift action to drive meaningful impact.

Our Vision

A world where every individual, community, and business thrives in harmony with nature.

Our Mission

We exist to tackle the 3+1 Planetary Crisis

1. Waste and Pollution

2. Biodiversity Loss

3. Climate Change

+1. Social Inequity

Our mission is to address the interconnectedness of waste and pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change, recognizing that these issues are deeply intertwined with social inequity.

We aim to achieve this by developing scalable, innovative solutions. Our goal is to create circular economy systems that are both sustainable and also fair and inclusive; driving positive change for both the planet and its people.

Our Values

Audacious Action

We are determined to confront the 3+1 Planetary Crisis through strategic innovation and efficient resource mobilization to meaningfully address the challenges of material pollution, biodiversity loss, climate change and social inequity.

Collective Ownership

We champion collective action, bringing together diverse stakeholders to empower individuals and communities in taking ownership of our shared challenges and driving collaborative solutions.

Thriving Community

We believe that true systems change requires intersectional impact with people at the center. Our focus on human-centered design ensures that communities thrive sustainably, restoring the planet rather than exploiting it.

Overcoming Barriers
to Change

In the history of humanity, rarely has the impact on future generations been so dependent on a single decade of decision-making.

Watch this inspiring speech by rePurpose Global CEO, Svanika Balasubramanian as she highlights the critical importance of environmental action in this defining decade, and emphasizes the pivotal role the private sector can play in driving change through the UN Global Plastics Treaty.

Executive Leadership Team

rePurpose Outcomes Lab is led by an accomplished group of senior executives who bring a diverse range of expertise in circular economy, consulting, international development, technology, and government. These leaders are responsible for implementing our strategic vision, driving innovation, and overseeing operations across our global projects.

Peter Wang Hjemdahl

Chief Innovative Officer

Manika Doshi

Chief Operating Officer

Mathew Boes

VP of Business Partnerships

Kamal Raj

Senior Impact Director

Svetlana Dcosta

Strategic Partnership Lead

Geoff King

Director of Thought Leadership

Alyssa Dizon


Vinay Sharma

Associate Director of Impact Projects

Meg Hilbert

Director of Business Partnerships

Jason Shaev

Head of Engineering